Ozark National Scenic Riverways!
Updated: Jun 2, 2021
The clearest river water you will ever see...all in my home state of Missouri! That is why the Ozark Scenic National Riverways is the first National Park to protect a river system...pretty amazing!

I've always been a lover of exploring this great state we live in; it is a true hidden treasure! Missouri has caves, rolling hills, beautiful forests, glades, prairies and lakes; but what we treasure most is our rivers, springs and streams. If you are Missourian a celebrated summer pastime is floating down the river with a group of friends and family; lazing the day away at your own pace. Whether it be canoe, kayak, raft or inner tube; there is no better feeling than taking in Missouri's riverways.
As a teen my friends and I would take almost every weekend during the summer to float or swim at a creek "beach" and camp all night. Some of my most treasured memories from this time in my life come from river days. We'd throw on our suits, grab our towels, snag a few zimas from our parents fridges, pack little to no food and be on our way! I took a pool raft to float one year, tied our cooler behind it and kicked back with leisure as the cooler wench for the day. It didn't matter! I still get teased till this day :) Large groups or small; we'd escape school and home and see what shenanigans we could get caught up in for a small weekend of freedom! Someone nearly always fell off the boat, someone always lost a pair of sunglasses; but what ever we lost never compared to the stories and memories we brought home!
During all of these float trips; however, I never recall visiting the scenic riverways! I am not sure why? My only guess is that it's a little bit further of a haul from my hometown. So when we planned our camping trip to one of the newest State Parks in Missouri, Echo Bluff in 2019 we were so pleased driving into the awesome scenery and taking in this treasured area. It soon became a favorite camp spot for our family in the summers!
Echo Bluff State Park back in the day was home to a music festival by local Missouri and surrounding states' bands called Schwagfest (I believe that is how that is spelled). I'm so shocked I never attended this as my bellbottomed hippie 90's soul loved seeing these bands in STL but probably for the better. The State took ownership years after and re-developed this superb piece of land. It is now complete with a full RV Park, Primitive Campsites. (some of the best I have seen in the midwest), the extravagant Betty Lea Lodge, and cabins! On the grounds campers and lodgers can find the nicest Adventure Playground and Splash Pad, several hiking trails, pavilions, and the beautiful waters of the Current River and Sinking Creek.

When we arrived late one Friday evening I was so giddy to see how nicely the campground was lit and laid out. The RV sites themselves are not surrounded by many trees and the whole area is paved; so easy maneuverability for biking and scooters, but it does lack that cozy campground in the woods feeling. But, what any camper and stargazer can appreciate, is how Echo Bluff in nestled in a sort of dome surrounded by hills and trees! It truly feels like you are sitting in a planetarium when the stars come to life!
The park hosts children's learning activities and guided nature walks; we loved this as Phil and I were able to stay close by but take a short hike by ourselves (now granted Cooper and his friend are older). You can scale high to the bluffs and overlook down below; spend the afternoon splashing in the kid friendly clear waters of Sinking Creek, paddle down the Current River, fish or mountain bike! And once the day starts to lull you can rock away on the large back deck at the Betty Lea lodge or dine in at the Creekside Grill. Oh! and if you are lucky you may just see the beautiful pack of wild horses that roam the area! Seriously there is so much beauty and thoughtfulness put into this park. You will enjoy!
But wait! We were talking about the Ozark National Riverways right? Back to that... Echo Bluff is in Eminence MO. The Ozark Scenic National Riverways flow through several surrounding towns but I would say Eminence is probably the hub. The town itself has many restaurants, river lodging and campgrounds to choose from.

"Ozark National Scenic Riverways was created by an Act of Congress on August 27, 1964, to protect 134 miles of the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers in the Ozark Highlands of southeastern Missouri. Ozark NSR was the nation's first "scenic riverways" - a forerunner to the Wild and Scenic River Act by four years.The clean, clear waters of the two beautiful rivers provide excellent opportunities for johnboating, canoeing, swimming, fishing, tubing, hiking and bird watching. Hunting is also allowed within the Riverways' boundaries, except around developed areas. The landscape is predominantly rural with oak-pine forests and occasional open fields.
The southeast Missouri Ozarks are typified by narrow steep-sided hollows, numerous streams, and bluffs. Much of the area is underlain by soluble dolomite, giving rise to sinkholes, caves and springs of classical Karst topography.
There are over 300 recorded caves within the boundaries. Several caves have been identified as having critical habitat for the endangered Indiana and Gray bats. Some caves are gated or signed to protect bat habitat.
Over sixty percent of the rivers' flow comes from seven major and hundreds of other smaller springs of various sizes within the park. Big Spring, one of the largest springs in the United States, has an average flow of 276 million gallons of water per day. The maximum recorded flow in one day was 840 million gallons in June 1928.
There are 112 species of fish, 197 species of birds, and 58 species of mammals found in the park. There are also 26 species of amphibians and 46 species of reptiles found in the park area, including four venomous snakes. The park is home to approximately 1,000 plant species." Nps.gov. March 2020 "More than just the Rivers" April, 15 2021 <https://www.nps.gov/ozar/more-than-just-the-rivers.htm>
As you can see it is one of America's National Treasures! The clear waters and stunning springs to explore are so precious! There are so many sights to see and do you may need a few days or trips to take it all in! Here are the can't miss highlights and links!
During our trips we have visited Big Spring, Alley Springs Mill and Blue Spring. and that quite filled our day! Some of the sites were closed during our visit due to COVID restrictions. But seriously these are gems and all deserve their own time and visit.
Now in the heart of the forest and navigating to some of these sites can be a little... erm fun...lol as we found out on our trip to Alley Mill! You see you can enter two different ways to Alley Spring and Mill. The direct way or the "short cut scenic way". We chose the scenic; what the hell! Boy oh boy was it scenic! We went off roading in Phil's brand new truck; the roads are rocky and uneven and tight. We laughed, I screamed a few times, we stopped and took in a few interesting areas and overall had a great but longer time to our destination. The road eventually follows the river and you can see paddlers and floaters enjoying the beautiful water; it was so nice! Until...our off road adventure was barricaded by rushing water over the road...ugh we could literally see Alley Mill on the other side, but ultimately we turned ourselves around and went back the whole way we came! If you attempt this route...I would highly recommend a 4 by 4 vehicle. I think this is really the only way lol.

The kids and a pit stop on the off road!
But oh when you get to Alley Springs and Mill you will be so happy you came! It truly is a historical and natural gem in our state! The clear blue cold waters rushing, the trail with caves and rock formations around the springs, and the bright red mill will keep your little explorers captivated and you entranced in its wonders!
I hope you all get to explore these riverways in your lifetime! Take the time and rent a kayak or canoe and float these protected rivers! You'll have nostalgic memories to last your lifetime! Enjoy!