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Darling Let's Be Adventurers!

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Our dreamy story. How it all began.

Almost 14 years ago driving down a Tulsa highway with the Jeep top down and Red Dirt Country blaring over the radio our young cares and worries flew behind us as we pondered our 20 something lives. Then came a proposal. Let's be adventurers through life, through all of our crazy, and let's learn. Learn anything that peaks our interest and drives us...for this journey is so short and our memories are what we carry. And that my friends is how this story begins! Phillip and I take every opportunity to soak it up and teach our son C that there is so much to learn in this great big world through tangible experiences and adventures! So come laugh at our funnies, learn out collected tricks from the road and escape through our stories and experiences, We are so glad you are here!


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